Tuesday, November 29, 2005

look! a new post! amazing!

its been a while since i posted anything, so i figured i should add a little something. since my last post, i went deer hunting for the first time. that went well, i didn't actually get anything, but i got a few shots in. thanksgiving morning was bitterly cold... somewhere around 5 degrees with a windchill that was like -10 or lower. when the guys were giving me a hard time about managing the cold, i told them i would tough it out and if i started to whine and cry they could send me home...so that was the determining factor in my staying out there. however, even with that insentive, 2 hours in the biting cold got old and by the end i was freezing and my scarf resembled a sheet of ice.
Thanksgiving break was wonderful, all of my dad's family came up because gramma has cancer and we wanted to have a nice family get together. that was lovely. i love seeing everyone, i just wish it were for a longer period of time. i also got to catch up with mom's side of the family, so it was altogether a great vacation from school.
let see...what else. well, i guess today is my birthday. ironic how just one day can change your perspective and make you realize that you really are growing up. i don't feel older...but 20 is older, so it must be true that i am older. i know i know, i have a way with words. i'm not sure if i'm doing anything real fun tonite, but last night lisa and ash gave me a heart attack. lauren and i were outside doing devious things at about midnight, and we came back to find our door completely plastered with ribbons and balloons...i had to crouch down to get in the room. then, as i turn around to look back at lauren, lisa and ash jump out of our closets yelling happy birthday, nearly giving me a heart attack cause the room was dark and i was NOT expecting someone to attack me. goodness...they're going to kill me one of these days. they gave me a crown, sparkling grape juice and pudding since i take it from lisa's fridge when she has some. oh, and there's confetti all over our floor. it's pretty, but has a tendency to stick to one's feet. and my dear lauren gave me knitting needles since i learned how to knit and am working on a scarf. and laura and steph made a birthday sign for my door. it is quite nice to have friends that like you...i thoroughly enjoy that.
well...in honor of my birthday, lisa, ashley and i are skipping psychology to play games...so i'm going to go do that. so this is all you get for now...bubye!


Blogger quirky said...

wonderful! i'm quite pleased your buds made sure to give you a fine celebration.

p.s. i have never experienced -10 degrees, windchill or no.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am a friend who likes you. mel, you're silly. happy birthday!

4:29 PM  

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