Saturday, May 13, 2006

i love pictures

look look... more pictures from lauren's visit. i'm infatuated with pictures. most of these are from our watching of the intramural ultimate frisbee tournament. mandie's family couldn't come so we filled in. Lauren was Mike, i was Brian and lisa was mom. aren't we cute. it was a rather chilly night to be laying on the grass watching, but we toughed it out for the sake of the team and what'd'ya know... they won!

it was a suspense filled game... not sure what lauren's deal is. (i can't believe how long my nails are. that's the true sign that i do no physical work while at school)

one final picture of lauren and me in 413 hansen. many memories were created in this room. kinda sad to be leaving it. who knew i could get attached to a cinder block room? probably not the room though, probably the company and activities that took place within. in any case, its been a good 2 years. gosh... 2 years... that's insane. i'm old!


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