Wednesday, February 22, 2006

what's that i hear?

today ash and i discussed silence. it was a quiet conversation. we went to our classes, poli sci then anatomy, and by the time we were through my head was pounding and i was miserable. that is an increasingly common thing which bothers me. either i'm allergic to poli sci and anatomy, or some illness is overtaking me- i vote the first. anyway, we went to lunch and ended up sitting through the entire meal without saying a single word to eachother. that ended when i found myself unconsciously staring at ash while thinking about how perfectly comfortable our extended silence was. we then discussed that and decided that you know you're pretty close to someone when you can just sit in silence for however long and have it be comfortable and not the least bit awkward. so that's the consensus- ash and i are close enough that we have comfortable silences. i do find it interesting that with the people you're not comfortable with it feels like there has to be conversation, even if you don't know them and have nothing to talk about. so then the conversation is just as awkward as the silence. oh how i appreciate comfortable conversation and silence. well that's all, unless you care to join me in my silence.....


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