Thursday, March 30, 2006

i'm applying stuff from class to life... amazing!

today in my language development class we discussed conversation shading, which is how conversations transition gradually into new topics. ash and i just had a perfectly wonderful conversational example going on in here. we started out talking about how we wanted it to rain hard enough for us to hear it on the roof, then we went to our feelings on storms, then diverged into my former fear of trees falling due to storms and killing me in my sleep, then we went to ash's cousin's bed being struck by lightning when he was luckily absent from it. since near death had been mentioned we then we moved into fears of dying due to nature, i mentioned brendon's near death hypothermic experience last fall, then ash mentioned her grandmother's siblings dying at age 5 in a barn fire. then we moved into how horrid death by fire or water would be and how we'd rather die by freezing, and what would be worst and best of other assortments of deaths. from there it moved into public execution, hanging, crucifixion, beheading and how gruesome they are. then we moved onto suicide and we both decided without a doubt we'd be completely unable to physically harm ourselves. the only way we could ever do it, not that we ever could, but hypothetically speaking, would be taking pills... which is much too unreliable to ever bother with. so yeah... a simple conversation about rain started all that. interesting how that works.


Blogger quirky said...

you're definitely twisted,i know that.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Melanie said...

hey now... that wasn't very nice. ash and i just have amazing abilities when it comes to conversation. our minds are not restrained to 'normal' conversational topics. that does not make me/us twisted... i resent that commment.

8:19 AM  

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