Wednesday, March 08, 2006

something is terribly wrong...

i came to a sad, disturbing and very startling discovery tonite. are you ready?

I now find my happiness completely wrapped up in accomplishing massive amounts of homework.

it's sick and abnormal and probably unhealthy, but i'm unable to control it. i feel guilty if i'm sitting here not working. if i finish something, i have to have something else to do or i feel like something is wrong. i don't feel right going out to have fun if i've not done homework prior. tonite we studied anatomy. our brains were fried, but i still felt like we hadn't accomplished enough and wanted to take a break and then get back to it. i can do nothing for my poli sci paper till i hear back from my professor, but i still felt like it was totally wrong to not be doing that or studying anatomy, so what did i do? i started typing up my anatomy notes- something that needs to be done sometime, but not immediately. once that was finished i had pretty much done all i could for the night and it felt so wrong! this is probably (hopefully) temporary, but still... it's just not right! i find joy in doing a crazy amount of homework? that's the stupidest thing i've heard in a long time! ash asked tonite if we're psychotic and bring out horrible complexes in eachother with our studying.... i fear she is correct. bad things are happening. and these are only mid terms! what will it be like during finals?!


Blogger quirky said...

during finals you will be hopelessly happy and overwhelmed with the joy of homework. shortly thereafter you will be buried.

3:32 PM  

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