Tuesday, April 04, 2006

productivity is roughly zero in this room of mine. ash and i both have 2 exams this week, both of which we have to study for... winging these would result something unbearably unpleasant... and yet we can't do a thing. last night ash wrote out 1 note card for history; i didn't even pretend to pretend to study. lisa twisted her ankle on the stairs, again, so she was in here icing her ankle and we were moaning about how much we had to do. so what did we do? we created music videos and such. i guess in theory that's productivity, just the wrong kind. it was a heck of a lot more enjoyable than studying though. tonite will probably be unpleasant. after sitting though phonetics today, it sounds like that exam is going to be a lot harder than i anticipated, but on the plus side, class was cancelled on thursday. i doubt my skills in phonetics so it makes me nervous. i know all the IPA symbols and their sounds, but their catagories and such haven't been cemented into my mind yet. and apparently we're not only going to have to transcribe spoken words into phonetics, we're also going to have to read and transcribe the IPA symbols back into graphemes. which i guess should be fine, but when things are transcribed they're not separated into words, a whole utterance will be within two brackets. that would be something like me writing out an entire sentence without any grammar or spaces, with part of it in a foreign language or something because some of the IPA symbols don't look like the grapheme they represent and are just weird symbols. so yeah... good times. i need to get my act together and get to work.

somebody on third floor has a speaker in their window and is so generously playing music for the entire campus to hear. its drifting in my open window and making me want to go outside where the sun is shining and the wind is plotting to blow me away. i'll have none of this studying stuff.


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