this is how lisa repaid me for turning her hair bright white. as you can pretty clearly tell it was one of those bonding moments between friends....
this is the cast of the "MMMM MMMM MMM..." music video. we were truly amazing. i was suppose to be a little boy, a normal looking little boy... and katie was my counterpart. in addition to us all having our own staring roles, we were backup 'mmm' and 'ahhh' singers to ash. it was a stunning video. a real catch you off guard, stop you in your tracks, jaw dropping type production. we're considering showing at the next leadership meeting. i'm sure the rest of the staff in the hall would be interested to know what kind of use the leadership room is getting these days...
sara was our faithful camera girl, who is fearfully camera shy. but she loves cuddling with me, so i tricked her. again lisa left her residue after she laid on me. poor sara had the hardest time not laughing at us. we had to practice it twice in front of her so she could get over her laughter to be able to hold the camera steady.
after our musical debut, which was fabulous by the way and we watched it twice because it was so funny, ash, lisa and i went out to eat and then headed to goodwill to find a bigger pot for our rapidly growing sunflowers. we then proceeded to try on hideous clothing and laugh at eachother. ashley found the most, umm, beautiful wedding dress. fit her like a glove... just meant to be. we had locked our laughing selves in one of the dressing rooms to try on our treasures and i'm willing to bet that people overhearing to our conversations could have either been slightly disturbed or very confused. once the store closed we figured we should perhaps leave, though that decision only came about after serious talk of how they would actually go about kicking us out of our little dressing room, so then we returned to pot our flowers on the floor of our room. twas good day. a very good day indeed.
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