Sunday, December 17, 2006

finals start tomorrow. i am in no way... and i mean no way... ready for them. any of them. i don't know what happened to this weekend. but i do know that my staff and i just had a prayer meeting in my room. i love those. they're so raw and genuine. and God makes his presence so clearly known. but i'm still stressed. math final tomorrow. whooo.... gonna hurt. and my 2 finals on tuesday will be equally as painful. *deeeeep breath*

ok. now the reason i'm on here. it's jordan's birthday today! WAHOO!!! welcome to 21 my friend. what a glorious age. not because of the legality of alcohol, cause clearly that's not me, but from this point forward, we're full fledged adults! but never fear... the requirment that you act your age hasn't entirely set in.

alright. that was my deal. now i must study. study until my brain bleeds or my eyes dry up. the latter feels more like reality at the moment. thursday afternoon is going to be so nice. later gator.


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