Tuesday, April 18, 2006

i lack the capacity to be normal. 99% of the time i don't care. sometimes i try to pretend though, today i even dressed nice to fool people, but it's all for naught. katie and i just came back from lunch and we went to her room so i could smell the new perfume she was so excited about. that's normal. she sprayed it in the air. normal again. what's not normal is that when i turned to smell it, i somehow managed to get perfume particles in my eye and began wailing "ahhhh... my eye!!! it buuurrrnnss!" as my eyes started a fantastic show of waterworks and became rimmed in red. katie started laughing, as did i which soon turned into coughing/laughing which just sounds stupid. i never did actually smell the perfume. we'll just assume it's nice. it's much too dangerous for me.

oh look. in the course of writing this short little post, i just managed to knock something off my shelf, which hit my open water bottle, which spilled all over my entire desk, which soaked many papers but fortunately missed my cell phone. it took me about 5 seconds of staring at the water bottle laying on its side (which is a long time) to realize that there actually had been water in it, which meant there was now water all over my desk though. i'm really beginning to wonder about myself, but on the plus side it forced me to dust and clean up my desk.

this afternoon will contain perhaps 5-6 hours of studying anatomy. it'll be a grand time. i have to go to class. ta ta


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