Sunday, August 27, 2006

dodge county fair 2006

like i said, county fair was last week. here are some pictures from the Futurity. it was special, formal show. i signed my cow up as a calf in hopes that she would look good as a 2 year old. well she did therefore i showed her while i was wearing a dress. everyone looked great. there were 98 entries total, 25 came to the fair and i was placed 9th which made me really happy. t'was a good day.

little emma really loved my cow kira. it was adorable.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

if i had time and cared...

this blog is so pointless for me. so county fair was last week. it was a long, hard week, but my animals did well, made me proud and i had fun despite my lack of sleep. 3:15 is not a fun time to wake up in the morning, but i love showing enough to enjoy it regardless. pictures and more details will come later. until i get back to school and have some down time (ha... down time? yeah right) nothing more will appear on this. the hours are counting down. tomorrow morning is my last day of work. thursday marks my return to school and the beginning of training to be a CA. agh. i have NO desire to return, be a CA or start classes. all of me is repulsed by the idea. sorry to all who are associated with point, i mean no offense to you and i do want to see you again, i just want some down time at home, thought and responsible free. classes disgust me right now. i'm sick of working... but mental work is more than i care to endure. adios until whenever.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

the magical age of 7

so this weekend i've been watching 4 kids and currently the 7 year old isn't talking to me because heaven forbid i actually bring down the threat of discipline for her beating on her siblings. in general i'm pretty laid back with these kids, so for the most part i just let them have fun, but every once in a while i actually have to put my foot down and stop unneeded situations. i can't help but wonder what i was like at 7. when threated to be sent to my room, was my response "good luck keeping me in there... how ya gonna do that huh? i'll just leave and you can't stop me." natually when sarah told me that, i shrugged and told her i'd lock her in the bathroom and hold the door closed. that could be considered evil i suppose, but my tone of voice wasn't serious and she knew i was kidding. but even so, little miss sarah, who happens to be a little spoiled and strongly dislikes discipline, shouted over her shoulder after i let her escape that i couldn't control her after i left and she went to pout in her room and practice her glaring to be used on me whenever needed. oh the joys of children.

this week has been long. i haven't seen my family since tuesday, other than running into my dad at church this morning that is. i walked up to him and gave him a hug and the guy he was talking to jokingly said, "first time you've seen him in a while?" "heh... actually yeah, i've been working and haven't been home since tuesday." "ooohh..."

last night was my co-worker Julianne's wedding. it was lovely and enjoyable. she looked beautiful and the wedding/reception was quite tastefully done. it was really weird being out with camp staff dressed up. to be wearing heels and a dress and to see brian in a suit was just odd. we all looked good though and i wish i had a picture. we decided that it's comforting to know that we're capable of looking better than we do on a daily basis. i suppose i've reached the age where my friends will start getting married and that's such an odd concept for me. it blows my mind to think of getting married now. this might be the point where i would say, yay for 4 more years of school before reality really sets in.

due to some noises that need investigation, my currently reality is telling me to go check on the munchins before i leave for work. adios.