Monday, May 30, 2005

what a weekend

What a lovely weekend...filled with lovely things. Very descriptive I know...but give me time, i'll get into it and explain it day by day.

let me see...saturday...pretty much a nothing day, meaning, nothing important to do, which was nice, but also meant that i needed to find something to keep myself occupied. i did that by fulfilling my country/farm girl with my hair pulled back in a thick blond braid, i spent the afternoon working with my horse. i am pleased to see that his attitude is mellowing with age, personality is abundant, but the attitude that filled in young days and often made him a pain to deal with, has calmed considerably each year and he's becoming a gentler beast. i must say, he looked dashing when i was finished with him, despite the unbelievable amount of dirt that he manages to cover himself in. with enough brushing, and without close inspection, the dirt stayed hidden enough to keep me happy. now i just need this crazy wisconsin weather to get warm enough to convince him to shed the rest of his winter hair and i'll have a halfway decent looking horse...maybe!

ok, onto sunday...the morning contained church of course and the seeing of a few people i had missed in my time at school. after church my dad and brothers and i mowed my gramma's lawn, she was thrilled. the afternoon was shelly's graduation party. let me tell you...4-wheelers are the greatest thing...ever. me and shelly on a 4-wheeler is pretty wonderful, and if you have any idea what the two of us are capable may potentially be scared. we've had some good times, caused lots of trouble (ask the state fair chaperones) and generally created a lot of laughter, well at least we laugh a lot...victims usually don't find our humor quite as amusing. don't worry, we're not doing bad things...exactly...we just create our own rules or find ways around current ones to suit the situation. we've never gotten in severe trouble, or really harmed anyone, but man oh man, do we know how to have fun! 2 week together in europe is going to be more than that continent can take i bet! wow are we going to have fun! i can guarantee that there will be a massive water fight started somewhere along the line...that seems to be our trademark, Shelly's for sure. you can ask pretty much any adult that has encountered us at either state or county fair...shelly and i together mean that something is bound to happen! we're devious and entirely to smart and creative for our own good!

alright...the covers sunday, so naturally monday comes next. basically, my family and i just spent it at my grandparents...on the lake. the water is cold...blah...but the sun was fabulous and i'm quite sure that the hours that we spent down there talking, dangling our feet in the water, will result in a nice tan on me. the food was of course way too good...and we all ate way too much, the curse of gramma's cooking on a college kid (or anyone for that matter).

so that about sums up my weekend...i could add details, but i'm sure you all have lives outside my here is where i end...for now. bubye!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

a glimps of my life...

i feel like I have so much to tell...and yet i lack the ambition to convey it all into words, so bear with me. first off, i think i should explain a little about one of my activities and why i am headed to europe in a little less than a month. so i mentioned that i show dairy, well i also judge them through 4-h, like we analyze groups of 4 and place them in the order that we feel is correct, from best to worst. then we have to give oral reasons on why we placed them as we did. quite a task and lots of time investment to get any good, but i've been doing that since i was about 7, and this year my teammates and i won our district and state contest. so from there, we headed to the national contest...where we astonishingly won again (and i was 3rd overall i'd like to mention...this is my site...I can brag if i want to!). so the next level from there, and a reward in itself, is a contest in Scotland, with some touring in london, paris, Belgium and Germany. is for that reason that i'm headed to europe on june 22nd-july 6th. so, up until that time, other than the week of the 11th-18th that i spend working at a camp, i will be practicing and getting ready for another contest. we've been in many papers and magazines as a result of our win, and monday night we had an interview with another paper. quite an interesting thing...posing for pictures, pretending to judge, was quite funny. i think we may have overwhelmed that poor lady when she started asking us questions. we shut up pretty quick when she whipped out the tape recorder's just scary to think that they could go over what we said again cause i felt like dumb things were pouring out of my mouth up until that point. then tonite we had to go to a boring dinner cause they had given us money for our trip, so we had to go say thank you and what not. then i've got practice tomorrow night...ahh...too much time invested into one activity in a 4 day period. let me see...anything else to talk about...oh, yes, another hilarious encounter with my college roommates creative mind. But, since this is a public site and i don't know if the person from whom we derived our entertainment will read this, i'm not going to post. inquiries will have to be done personally. well...until something else happens in my life...bubye!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

let the summer begin...

ahhh...the wonderful feeling of having a year of college complete. how magnificent to be on summer break...not that i've had a moment to sit still to enjoy my freedom, but not being in classes and not having finals is superb. most grades are not yet posted, so the product of my effort remains to be seen. it was sad leaving all the people i had grown close to up at school however. admittedly though, i thought finals were going to kill to be rid of them is heavenly, and if being rid of them means being rid of school...then so be it. in other news...for those of you that don't know me well, my dad is a dairy farmer, thus i have grown up surrounded by cows, which i love by the way. i show them at fairs and shows and have great fun doing that. this weekend i took a few calves to a show. i got home on thursday night, worked all day on friday to get the animals ready for the show, went to bed exausted and then woke up at 4:50 saturday morning and spent all day at the show. needless to say...saturday night i was dead tired. the phrase i feel best explains how i felt is and shall henceforth be referred to as...near fatal exhaustion. dad and i had another classic father/daughter moment saturday morning when he walked in to my room to make sure I was up. the guy who was going to be picking up my cattle to take them to the show was coming at 5:30, but when dad walked into my room at 4:50, he said 'Melanie, Todd's here!' naturally i jumped out of bed, looked out the window and when i saw nothing, i glanced back at him...he was laughing and had this funny smirk on his face. he then responded to my inquiring look with the all to over used 'gotcha' which i gave my best glare and said 'thats mean...go away!' so we both got a good chuckle out of that...classic moments between us...but rest assured that he will get it back. it's a constant, entertaining, back and forth battle of the wits between us that I enjoy immensely. so that pretty much sums up my weekend, other than taking my friend kim back to Oshkosh today, which gave me a chance to catch up with some relationships that had been mostly put on hold for the duration of my school year. well if something of interest decides to occur in my life...i shall post about it later

Thursday, May 19, 2005

i have arrived...

so here i the wonderful world of the blog, thanks to a wonderfully persistent friend who insisted that my life must be interesting to write about...oh how little he knows! I'm in the midst of why am I writing this? Simple...finals are no fun and though it is 2am and I have a take home final to finish tonite in which i must compose 3 more essays, i don't want to do it! but i really here's to hoping that this thing works...that yet remains to be seen i suppose. until next time....bubye!