Tuesday, November 29, 2005

look! a new post! amazing!

its been a while since i posted anything, so i figured i should add a little something. since my last post, i went deer hunting for the first time. that went well, i didn't actually get anything, but i got a few shots in. thanksgiving morning was bitterly cold... somewhere around 5 degrees with a windchill that was like -10 or lower. when the guys were giving me a hard time about managing the cold, i told them i would tough it out and if i started to whine and cry they could send me home...so that was the determining factor in my staying out there. however, even with that insentive, 2 hours in the biting cold got old and by the end i was freezing and my scarf resembled a sheet of ice.
Thanksgiving break was wonderful, all of my dad's family came up because gramma has cancer and we wanted to have a nice family get together. that was lovely. i love seeing everyone, i just wish it were for a longer period of time. i also got to catch up with mom's side of the family, so it was altogether a great vacation from school.
let see...what else. well, i guess today is my birthday. ironic how just one day can change your perspective and make you realize that you really are growing up. i don't feel older...but 20 is older, so it must be true that i am older. i know i know, i have a way with words. i'm not sure if i'm doing anything real fun tonite, but last night lisa and ash gave me a heart attack. lauren and i were outside doing devious things at about midnight, and we came back to find our door completely plastered with ribbons and balloons...i had to crouch down to get in the room. then, as i turn around to look back at lauren, lisa and ash jump out of our closets yelling happy birthday, nearly giving me a heart attack cause the room was dark and i was NOT expecting someone to attack me. goodness...they're going to kill me one of these days. they gave me a crown, sparkling grape juice and pudding since i take it from lisa's fridge when she has some. oh, and there's confetti all over our floor. it's pretty, but has a tendency to stick to one's feet. and my dear lauren gave me knitting needles since i learned how to knit and am working on a scarf. and laura and steph made a birthday sign for my door. it is quite nice to have friends that like you...i thoroughly enjoy that.
well...in honor of my birthday, lisa, ashley and i are skipping psychology to play games...so i'm going to go do that. so this is all you get for now...bubye!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

and this is us: lauren, lisa and me having a jolly time in the first snow of the season. Posted by Picasa

i wrote a message in the snow for lisa to read from her window and those are our snow angels below it. Posted by Picasa

we had snow ! there's probably 3 inches there and we had a lovely time. this was shortly after me so gracefully smacking my head...so i was in a bit of pain, but who cares cause it was beautiful outside. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 13, 2005

this is an unfortunate side effect of no power. after this, which was our dance party, we decided to brave the tornado like winds and we ran around in the football field. there are no pictures of that...but we pretended to be airplanes. we also flashed SOS signs back and forth with people in other buildings. we all acted like we were 6 and had a thoroughly enjoyable time!

after we secured the building from all danger, and made our mad dash back to my room, we proceeded to have dance party in becky's room. it was a dark and stormy night...no lights or electricity...so we found other ways to stay entertained. and really...who goes to bed at 2am when the power is out?

last night there was a power outage at about 1:30am. becky, holly, lauren and i were all still awake, so logically, we had to make sure the building was safe. becky and i were the fearless leaders. all was well till we reached third floor and a guy jumped out behind us and yelled RAWR! the resulting screams from part of the group led to the running all the way back to my room and then fits of laughter. that guy probably laughed his head off.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

we have a new holiday!

history was made monday night in 413 hansen hall as a new holiday/tribute night was created. while there is an official name for the evening, that's on a need to know basis only, so it's going to be left mostly confidential for the time being. in any case, lauren and i decided on monday night at about 5:30 to go through the rest of the evening without using our left arms. we have an authentic reason: we were observing someone who has a prosthetic left arm and were discussing how difficult life would be like that. so we decided to give it a try and get some personal experience. this sounds rather, well, dumb to those who weren't here, but we had a jolly time fumbling around. there are pictures, videos and laughable memories that resulted from our excapade. we actually did quite well though. i typed up a paper with one hand, went through a program and 2 meetings without using it and then ended up having to quit when my hand started to feel cold, numbish and swollen from just hanging down and not being used. the experience lasted 3 1/2 hours though, and then resumed when we were changing for bed. that was an experience. it went pretty well, but there were some unforeseen complications that will be left unmentioned. i am proud to say that i managed to button and un-button my jeans one handed. lisa tried to join us for a while, but she just couldn't handle it. this doesn't sound nearly as funny as it really was...which is unfortunate, but you'll have to take my word for it. needless to say, lauren and i undertake a lot of very amusing things to keep ourselves entertained. i believe some people think we're crazy, but that's ok, they just don't understand the fun we're having. well that's all for now...bubye.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

nothing new...

i have nothing to post about because, well...nothing changes. actually around my dorm we have what we're all so fondly referring to as a moat, which indeed annoys me. they're in the process of building a bridge so we can actually use the east door, but it's not finished, so in the mean time the west door has to be used for entrance and exit attempts. but if you're anything like me, you'll forget that the exits that you always use are closed, and end up being late in leaving for class initially. then, on the way back, you'll forget once again and have to walk WAY out of the way, past the hall to the only other bridge across the moat where you then have to backtrack to get back to the hall. frustration ensues, time is wasted...it's a beautiful thing. so i end up wasting time due to stupidity; like i said, nothing changes. well, that's about it...i'll save all my fun and enriching stories for a more opportune time. that's all...bubye.